Friday, July 20, 2012

Cider Mill!!

Autumn and fall in Michigan can be unbelievably beautiful! The way the leaves turn colors and how the cool crisp air hits your nose when you first walk outside is a fond memory of Fall for me.  I think it is one of my favorite times of year in Michigan. Back in Oklahoma we have something similar to a Cider Mill but we just call it a pumpkin patch.

Blakes Apple Orchard was the first “Cider Mill” that I had ever been too. I can imagine the smell of fresh donuts being fried, the caramel being melted for the Caramel Apples and the delicious Apple Cider that they serve: Hot, Cold, and as a slushie. (The slushie is pretty amazing!!)

Blake’s pretty much has it all: A Haunted house, a Hay ride, pumpkin patch, pick your own apples, petting zoo, playground, a little market, plus they have special things during specific times of the year!

I loved going to Blakes Apple Orchard and seeing Makayla ooh and awe over all the different animals that we got to get so close to and feed. Of course, she loved the miniature ponies! She was however scared of the wicked witch that sits up top and protects the pumpkins.  We each got a pumpkin, however for whatever reason we didn’t carve them.

We Paid around 8.00 each and a couple dollars for feed for the animals. Then each got pumpkins and that cost us around .30 cents a pound.

I hope we’re able to return to Blakes earlier in the year this time so we can have better weather and make masterpieces out of our pumpkins, as this will be our first Halloween/Fall as “The Hamills.”

Blakes isn’t only a “fall” thing. They open up in June and have different festivals. I recently went to the Lavender Festival. There were several different people with different booths set up selling something’s related to Lavender and other things not. 

All photos are personal

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