Monday, August 13, 2012

A Trip to the Big Top!

Going with my theme of things that only come around every so often, another cool experience is taking your child to the Circus. Now I realize, this may not be for everyone but we took Makayla when she was 3 1/2  and she loved it. She still talks about it to this day. I’d love to take her now when she has a bigger appreciation for the experience. She really seems to soak everything in and have her own perception on things.
The circus has been around for over 100 years. The shrine circus was first held in Detroit, MI for the Moselm Shrine Center. The circus was originally a 1 ring affair but eventually grew to three rings. It travels to many cities, but Detroit is always the biggest event they have. In 1996, it ran for 17 days and they did over 46 shows. Each January the first circus of the year is held in Flint, Michigan. And the last performance is Thanksgiving week held generally in Indiana and Louisiana. The circus travels to about 120 cities in the United States. A separate unit also travels to Canada locations.  (wikipedia)

Our tickets were I believe around 15 dollars apiece and we were right up against the actual ring where the action happened. At this time, my best friend from Oklahoma was visiting so we thought it would be fun to take Makyala while Bekka was down.

 As we approached the big top, we had no idea what waited inside. Of course they had acitivites to entice the kids with. A big slide, pony and camel rides,  souvenir stations, cotton candy, face painting, and when you got further inside, an Elephant ride. Each activity cost 1 ticket, which cost $5. Makayla rode the big slide and the pony ride. Afer enjoying some of the activities we found our seats. Makayla was 3 ½ at the time and I was shocked when she wanted to ride the Elephant! My heart was racing the entire time and I kept shouting, DON’T MOVE!!! 

We enjoyed the trapeze acts, the clowns, the dogs and the amazing horse show! She came out on a giant Clydesdale and then had her white horses with angel wings come out and do their routine. It was really beautiful.  


During intermission we took Makayla to get her face painted and she got a beautiful butterfly painted on her face. (I know what you’re thinking. WOW you spent a lot of money! Well, it was her first time and well worth it!) 

After the intermission they had the elephant act and another trapeze act with this contraption up in the air that had two wheels and at one point they were on the OUTSIDE of the wheels.. AMAZING. The things that they can do with their bodies and not show any fear was really beautiful to watch. 

I know that a lot of people don’t agree with the circus and that’s fine. They put on a really good show and the animals did a beautiful job.

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